5 Reasons Your Law Firm Getting Bad Leads (“Tire Kickers”)

Successful legal marketing goes beyond leads; it's about building trust and relationships. By integrating marketing efforts, optimizing intake processes, and crafting clear offers, firms can attract qualified leads and enhance client engagement.

By Ryan Stewart | on Jul 11, 2024


There’s 2 complaints we hear on a regular basis from our law firm clients:

  • Our marketing doesn’t generate leads / it’s too expensive
  • The leads we do get are all bad (tire kickers)

In this video, we discuss 5 reasons why your law firm is generating unqualified leads and what you can do to fix it.

1. Your Law Firm’s Marketing is Operating in a Silo

Many law firms concentrate their marketing efforts on a single tactic, such as SEO or PPC ads, expecting immediate results. Isolated tactics won’t cut it anymore – effective marketing requires a multifaceted strategy that drives results. Just as the internet operates as a connected ecosystem, your marketing efforts should encompass various platforms to build a cohesive online presence.

Consider your marketing strategy as a web of connected parts, and you’ll start to see the bigger picture. Imagine having an overhead view of your business, where every moving part is clearly visible. This is the essence of clarity – being able to see, understand, and optimize your operations seamlessly. Attract leads who are actually a good fit for your business.

unqualified legal leads


2. Your Intake Is Dropping The Ball

Effective lead generation involves managing intake properly. Companies often handcuff their own potential by artificially capping the number of leads they chase, rather than calculating how many they need to achieve their goals.

Screening calls rigorously ensures that only relevant and genuinely interested prospects are engaged. Rather than squandering resources on dead-end leads, firms can free up valuable time and energy by having either well-trained staff or automated systems pre-screen inquiries.

how to stop getting back leads if youre a lawyer


3. You’re Making Bad Offers (Especially If You’re Buying Leads)

The offers you present through your marketing campaigns play a crucial role in attracting qualified leads. Misleading or overly enticing offers can attract individuals who aren’t genuinely seeking legal services or who don’t match your target client profile.

Crafting clear, honest offers that align with client expectations and emphasize value over mere appeal can help attract leads more likely to convert into clients.

your law firm is making bad offers


4. You’re Not Feeding the Algorithms The Right Data

When running digital advertising campaigns, it’s essential to set up comprehensive reporting that tracks the entire client lifecycle. Many firms focus solely on metrics like cost per lead without monitoring outcomes beyond initial contact.

To optimize their sales funnel, companies need to see the entire picture – that’s why implementing a CRM that follows leads from start to finish is crucial, revealing gaps and opportunities that might have otherwise gone unnoticed.  By casting a wider net, we refine our advertising approach and – you guessed it – save a pretty penny on marketing expenses.

youre not training the google algorithm


5. Your Mentality Needs to Change

A significant barrier to lead conversion is your mindset – it’s harsh to hear, but it’s true. You operate in one of the most competitive spaces on the internet, you have to be willing to pay to play. It costs money to generate quality leads, you’re likely not spending enough.

Every lead represents a potential client, and adopting a mindset that embraces every inquiry—regardless of initial qualification — can uncover unexpected opportunities for growth. If you want to get ahead in a crowded market, there’s no shortcut – you need to put in the legwork to attract and engage new customers, and keep doing it over time.

stop buying leads from lawyers


Successful marketing is about nurturing relationships and building trust with potential clients. Implementing the strategies outlined—integrating marketing efforts, optimizing intake processes, crafting clear offers, tracking client journeys, and embracing every inquiry—positions your firm to excel in a competitive legal landscape. This approach fosters sustainable growth by enhancing client engagement and converting leads into lasting relationships.


Need Marketing Help?

At WEBRIS, we’ve helped hundreds of lawyers get more clients through Google Search. If you’re looking for a strategic partner that can drive real business results for your law firm, book a time to chat here.

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