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Legal Marketing Agency

Need More Clients?

We help law firms get more qualified leads through "blended" search marketing campaigns.

Here’s why your law firm is struggling to get more leads...

When it comes getting new cases for your law firm, there’s nothing more powerful than search engine marketing.

But you already knew that. You’ve probably invested in SEO or PPC at some point and got mediocre results (despite being promised otherwise).

You’re here because you need help with one (or all) of the following:

  • Improve your website’s performance in Google’s organic rankings.
  • Decrease the cost per lead / cost per client from paid search campaigns.
  • Improve the quality and quantity of your law firm’s inbound leads.

Your law firm is struggling because your strategy is outdated. When you search for your law firm’s main keyword, what you do see? Ads, local listings, organic listings, Local Service Ads, content...there’s a lot of noise. To get meaningful results, you need to show up in all parts of Search. We deploy a “Blended” strategy that puts your law firm everywhere, which can effectively optimize not just to drive leads, but high value cases.

How You'll Generate Leads

Most agencies fail to deliver results because they only focus on a few parts of the internet. Instead, we attack every single opportunity to make sure your law firm generates quality leads.

  • Local SEO

    Securing the top ranking in Google "Maps Pack" organically for targeted local searches.

  • Local Ads

    The fastest way to get new cases in the door. Within 14 days your phone will be ringing.

  • PPC Ads

    Highly targeted Pay Per Click campaigns going after high value keyword searches.

  • Content Production

    Attacking organic Google results by creating content to flood the SERPS.

If You Work With Us, You Will Grow.

Most agencies fail to deliver results because they only focus on a few parts of the search engine result pages. Instead, we attack every single opportunity to make sure your law firm generates quality leads.

Recent Clients

Here’s How We’ll Get
Your Firm More Cases

The Blended Search system is geared towards generating results for your law firm, quickly.

This process works for All Areas Of Law

We’re not here to bill you for busy work, we’re here to help you land big cases, and that’s exactly what we do for our clients. But don’t just take our word for it, we’ll let the results speak for themselves.


As a busy attorney, we know what you care about - qualified new cases. Not rankings, not traffic, not leads...QUALIFIED cases. Everything we do is focused on optimizing your campaigns to generate new business, not waste your time with tire kickers.

There is an impressive level of communication and a clear mutual goal of enhancing the site to find results. They are one of the few law firm marketing companies that does not offer excuses but rather solutions.

Russell Lorfing

Founder, Keith & Lorfing

Ready For More Leads?

Most agencies fail to deliver results because they only focus on a few parts of the search engine result pages.
Instead, we attack every single opportunity to make sure your law firm generates quality leads.

Get Started

Work with us

Campaigns Starting At

$5,000 / Mo

  • Highly targeted paid search campaigns
  • Top rankings in Google's "Maps Pack"
  • Top rankings in Google's organic listings
  • Expert content creation for website
  • ROI tracking and reporting
Book Discovery Call




Most Legal Marketing Agencies Are Full Of 💩.

They're focused on "traffic", we are solely focused on generating new cases.

Most agencies are not fit to service law firms. Their strategies are out touch and they don’t understand the inner workings of your business.

I’ve worked with law firms for almost a decade, I know what you care about.

Not rankings, not traffic, not colorful charts and not even leads. New client cases. Our entire process is built with that goal in mind, which is why we’re so damn effective at what we do.

From the way we operate to the way we structure our contracts, we’re not here to bill you for busy work, we’re here to help you land big cases.