Is Your Website Costing You Cases?


SEO Services For Employment Law Firms

Generating inbound leads for Employment Law Firms by ranking first in Google's organic listings.

85 Reviews

You’re an employment attorney. Your clients are facing some of the most stressful situations of their professional lives. Wrongful termination, discrimination, harassment, unfair labor practices – these issues can upend a person’s entire livelihood.

They’re counting on you to be their champion, to help them navigate the complex world of employment law and get the justice they deserve.

But with numerous employment lawyers claiming to be the best, how do you ensure these potential clients find their way to you?

It’s simple – with Google.

Think about it from your client’s perspective. When they’re suddenly fired or facing a hostile work environment, what’s the first thing they do? They turn to Google, searching for terms like “employment lawyer in [city]” or “wrongful termination attorney near me”.

employment attorney keyword searches

They’re not flipping through the Yellow Pages or checking the classifieds. They’re going online, desperately seeking someone who can understand their plight and guide them to a resolution.

If your website doesn’t appear in those coveted top spots on Google’s first page, you’re essentially invisible to these potential clients. But if you can claim that prime real estate? You become their trusted advocate, their light at the end of the tunnel.

That’s the transformative power of SEO.

Now, you might be thinking, “I’ve dabbled in SEO before. It was a disappointment.” Or maybe colleagues have told you that SEO is yesterday’s news, that social media or paid ads are the only way to go now.

But here’s the truth: SEO is more essential and impactful than ever, if you approach it correctly.

The Blended SEO Strategy for Employment Lawyers

For over a decade, WEBRIS has been assisting law firms in achieving higher Google rankings and generating more leads.

Our SEO approach is effective because we target multiple aspects of Google – which is why we call it a “blended” strategy.

For instance, when someone searches for “employment lawyer near me,” they’ll encounter various types of results:

Many employment law SEO strategies fall short because they focus on only one area of the search engine results pages (SERPs). To capture attention, you need to optimize for all relevant sections of Google.

To achieve results that translate into actual leads, your website must be optimized to appear in multiple areas of Google.

Our “blended” approach targets various aspects of Google (local, content, ads), which is essential for securing rankings that drive tangible business outcomes.

How We Can Help Your Employment Law Firm

Among all the lead generation tactics available, SEO is undoubtedly the most impactful for employment law firms.

There’s nothing more powerful than ranking at the top of Google when potential clients are actively seeking your services.

Although Local Service Ads and Google Ads appear at the top of the SERPs, many users today recognize these as paid placements and often choose to skip the ads section. Instead, they gravitate towards the organic results, which they perceive as the most reliable, unbiased, and earned positions.

  • Attract more traffic and leads (with growth over time) — While Google Ads can be a significant source of traffic, keywords related to employment law can be expensive, requiring ongoing monthly investment to sustain lead generation. In contrast, SEO offers traffic without a direct cost per visit. Although it necessitates investing in the right strategies to reach the top of Google, once you secure that position, Google essentially provides you with free traffic and potential leads around the clock.
  • Establish trust and authority in your niche— Users generally perceive organic search results as more credible and authentic, as they are not the result of paid advertising. The Google Business Profile enhances your firm’s legitimacy by showcasing reviews, photos, and business hours, enabling potential clients to call or message you directly from the SERPs without navigating to your website.
  • Achieve a positive return on investment — While SEO can be highly competitive, it proves to be more cost-effective than Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising in the long run. Larger firms may have substantial budgets for Ads, driving up costs. However, with SEO, outspending larger competitors is not necessary; a smarter SEO strategy is sufficient. It’s not uncommon to see top-ranking pages in organic search lacking in content, backlinks, or recent updates, presenting an opportunity for your firm to surpass them.

How Our Blended SEO Approach Works

Our “blended” search strategy is designed to maximize your visibility and rankings within your local market.
Many agencies fail to deliver results because they focus on limited sections of the SERPs. In contrast, we seize every opportunity to ensure your employment law firm attracts high-quality leads:

Technical SEO and Website Optimizations

Google prioritizes ranking user-friendly websites that are easy to understand, emphasizing the importance of fine-tuning your website’s technical aspects. Here are several key areas we assess and optimize for you:

  • Website Speed: Fast loading times enhance user satisfaction and can boost your rankings. Techniques such as image optimization, leveraging browser caching, and minimizing code can accelerate your website.
  • Mobile-Friendliness: With the surge in mobile browsing, having a website that seamlessly adapts to mobile devices is crucial. Google employs a mobile-first indexing approach, primarily considering the mobile version of a site for indexing and ranking purposes.
  • Clean and Structured Code: A website with clean, well-organized HTML and CSS code helps search engines efficiently crawl and interpret your site’s content. Using correct heading tags (H1, H2, etc.) and semantic HTML is recommended.
  • Structured Data Markup: Also known as schema markup, this coding on your website assists search engines in delivering more informative results to users, potentially enhancing your listings with additional information (such as reviews and event details).
  • Broken Links and Redirects: Having a high number of broken links can indicate a poorly maintained site. Properly implementing 301 redirects can effectively transfer link equity to a new URL, mitigating any negative impacts.
  • Page Titles and Meta Descriptions: Crafting unique and descriptive page titles and meta descriptions is vital, as they appear in search results. They should accurately reflect the page’s content and incorporate primary keywords.

Local SEO

To achieve a ranking within the local “Maps pack,” specific additional optimizations are required:

  • Google Business Profile (GBP) Optimization: Claiming and optimizing your Google Business Profile listing is essential. This involves ensuring your business name, address, and phone number (NAP) are consistent across all online platforms, alongside including a comprehensive description, operating hours, and images.
  • Local Business Schema Markup: Applying structured data (schema markup) for local businesses helps search engines recognize your business’s relevance to the local community. This can encompass details such as your physical address, contact information, and type of business.
  • Online Reviews and Ratings: Encourage your clients to post reviews on your Google My Business profile and other relevant platforms. Actively responding to all reviews, whether positive or negative, enhances your visibility and appeal to prospective clients.
  • Local Link Building: Establishing links with local businesses, directories, and events strengthens your local online presence. These local backlinks demonstrate to search engines the significance and authority of your website in your geographical area.
  • Localized Content: Developing content tailored to local audiences, such as articles on local happenings, news, or activities, benefits SEO and positions your business as an integral part of the local community.

Content Creation & Publishing

Each campaign begins with our proprietary Website Quality Audit. This comprehensive review provides us with crucial insights into the current state of your website’s content, identifies areas with the greatest potential, and highlights any quality concerns or errors that need to be addressed.

Leveraging this analysis, our team undertakes the following tasks:

  • Keyword Research: Our extensive keyword database is particularly tailored to the needs of employment attorneys. We simply need to understand the types of cases you’re interested in handling and the geographic areas you serve.
  • On-page Optimization: We conduct a thorough review of all existing pages on the website. We then proceed to update or enhance meta tags, headings, content, and structured data on key pages for SEO effectiveness.
  • New Page Creation:After optimizing the current pages, we identify and create any missing pages essential for achieving SEO success. This includes pages for specific practice areas, supportive content, and blog entries.

Link Acquisition from High-Authority Legal Domains

Links play a pivotal role in SEO, serving as an endorsement from other sites regarding your credibility and reliability, which significantly influences your ranking within search engine algorithms.

In the context of local SEO, our strategy is to secure high-quality, locally relevant links that demonstrate to search engines the strong connection and significance of your business within the local community.

For optimizing local SEO, the most beneficial links are those from respected local businesses, relevant websites, community and industry-specific directories, local news outlets, and also from local chambers of commerce or specialized associations.

The principle is straightforward: without links, your website will struggle to rank for your target keywords. However, it’s important to note that not all links are beneficial; some can do more harm than good.

Therefore, our approach is to focus on acquiring only those high-quality, impactful links that will significantly enhance your rankings.

Local Service Ads (LSAs)

Unlike conventional Ads (PPC), which charge per click, Local Services Ads (LSAs) operate on a pay-per-lead basis, meaning you only incur costs for ads that result in direct engagement, such as calls or text messages.

These advertisements are positioned at the top of Google search results, offering unparalleled visibility. Additionally, earning the Google Guarantee badge, which is given to businesses that pass Google’s thorough screening and qualification checks, significantly boosts trust and assurance among prospective clients.

To achieve success with LSAs, it is crucial to uphold a stellar reputation via positive reviews, quick response times, and by keeping your business credentials up to date.

As part of our SEO offerings, we assist our clients in getting verified and setting up their LSAs account at no extra charge.

Is Your Employment Law Firm a Good Fit?

Our SEO services are truly one-of-a-kind, and as a result, we often turn away more leads than we accept.

To ensure our services drive the results needed to increase your law firm’s revenue, we only take on a select few new clients each month.

Our services are an excellent fit if you…

✔️ Are the CEO/Founder/executive of an employment or labor law firm

✔️ Are currently generating more than $1 million in revenue

✔️ Are willing to invest at least $5,000/month into SEO services

✔️ Have a dedicated intake team and/or 24/7 call answering service

✔️ Have a growth mindset and aspire to build a larger law firm

✔️ Are committed to helping your clients achieve the best possible outcomes

If this sounds like you, we’d love to have a conversation to explore how we can help you generate more leads through SEO.

Book your free consultation here

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Can you really rank a employment firm's website?

    While SEO for employment lawyers is generally competitive across all markets, we tailor our strategies around the nuances of each market and our clients. SEO is a zero sum game. You're not competing against Google; you're competing against other DUI law firms. Once we know were we stand relative to the competition, we can create an action plan with a clear path to success.

  • How long does it take to see results?

    The beauty about working with an agency that specializing in DUI attorney SEO is we have all of the data that we need to hit the ground running on day one. We have build our entire operational system exclusively around the legal industry. Most of our clients see results in terms of more traffic and leads within 30-60 days of starting with us.

  • How involved will I need to be?

    We created our services with the busy attorney in mind. We know that your time is valuable and better spent running your law firm than buried in spreadsheets. Other than our initial kickoff call where we get all of the information about your practice that we need upfront, there is minimal effort required on your part. We report to you on a monthly basis and you can set up a virtual meeting at anytime.

  • How much do your services cost?

    Our price depends on the scope of work needed to get your website results, but our starting price is $5,000/month. Based on our average results, our prices make partnering with us a no-brainer. Book a call to find out exactly how much the investment is for your business.

  • Is SEO better than PPC?

    Both SEO and PPC are effective client acquisition strategies; however, SEO is a lot more feasible for most law firms due to the high cost of PPC in the DUI space. PPC can cost between $500-$1,500 per lead which can quickly leave you with a $20k plus bill at the end of the month. In most cases, we recommend SEO over PPC, if you had to choose one. However, our objective is to get you to the point where you can comfortably invest in both.


Most Legal Marketing Agencies Are Full Of 💩.

They're focused on "traffic", we are solely focused on generating new cases.

Most agencies are not fit to service law firms. Their strategies are out touch and they don’t understand the inner workings of your business.

I’ve worked with law firms for almost a decade, I know what you care about.

Not rankings, not traffic, not colorful charts and not even leads. New client cases. Our entire process is built with that goal in mind, which is why we’re so damn effective at what we do.

From the way we operate to the way we structure our contracts, we’re not here to bill you for busy work, we’re here to help you land big cases.