$7.5M Divorce Lawyer Shares How He Gets Clients

Our latest episode "Scales of Success" dives deep into the lead generation and intake systems of a $7.5M family law firm, featuring founder Marco Brown.

By Anete Lazdina | on Aug 1, 2024

Marco Brown is the founder and managing attorney at Brown Family Law, a $7.5M law firm in in Salt Lake City, Utah

This week’s episode of “Scales of Success” we sat down with Marco to discuss his his expertise on lead generation, marketing strategies, and the intake process that has propelled his firm to be the number one of family law firm in Utah.

Key Sections:

00:00 – Intro to Marco Brown
01:51 – Transition to Specialization
03:44 – Client Signing Rates
03:57 – Family Law Marketing and Lead Generation
06:01 – Intake Process Overview
07:23 – SEO as a Lead Source
08:11 – Referrals from Other Attorneys
09:05 – Challenges in Competitive Markets
11:07 – Social Media Strategy
14:42 – Benefits of Paid Consultations
17:27 – Intake Call Handling Strategy
19:24 – Intake Process and Quality
20:03 – Fact-Finding Process
21:29 – Managing Client Expectations
23:10 – Training Attorneys in Sales
25:23 – Handling Unqualified Leads
29:09 – Transparent Pricing Strategy
30:27 – Sales Philosophies
36:02 – Client Approval Issues
36:41 – Importance of a Well-Developed Script

Should Lawyers Specialize?

Why Specialization Matters

Marco Brown emphasizes the importance of specialization in a saturated legal market. By focusing exclusively on divorce and child custody cases since 2012, his firm has become the leading provider of these services in Utah. Specialization allows law firms to:

  • Differentiate Themselves: In a crowded market, being a specialist helps a firm stand out.
  • Attract Better Clients: Specialization often attracts clients who are a better fit for the firm’s services.
  • Increase Profitability: By focusing on a niche, firms can raise their prices and increase revenue without losing momentum.

Actionable Advice

  • Identify Your Niche: Analyze your strengths and market demand to find a profitable niche.
  • Raise Your Prices: Specialization allows you to charge premium rates for your expertise.
  • Market Your Specialization: Use your niche as a unique selling proposition in your marketing efforts.

Lead Generation Strategies For Family Law Firms

SEO and Content Marketing

Marco reveals that about 80% of his new clients come from SEO and content marketing. He has built a solid SEO foundation by consistently creating content for his website, which has significantly improved his firm’s visibility and lead generation.


Approximately 20% of Marco’s clients come from referrals, primarily from other attorneys. Building a strong referral network is crucial for sustained growth.

Actionable Advice

  • Invest in SEO: Develop a robust SEO strategy by creating valuable content that addresses your clients’ needs.
  • Expand Your Reach: Consider opening new offices to improve local SEO and attract clients in competitive markets.
  • Build a Referral Network: Cultivate relationships with other attorneys and professionals who can refer clients to your firm.

Leveraging LinkedIn for Lawyer Marketing

Sharing Insights and Building a Network

Marco uses LinkedIn to share his journey and insights about running a law firm. While his content may attract more lawyers than clients, it helps build a network of referrals, which is vital for success in the legal industry.

Actionable Advice

  • Be Active on LinkedIn: Share valuable content that showcases your expertise and helps others in your field.
  • Engage with Your Network: Build relationships with other professionals who can refer clients to your firm.
  • Use LinkedIn for Branding: Position yourself as a thought leader in your niche by consistently sharing insights and updates.

Marco Brown

Optimizing the Family Law Intake Process

Paid Consultations vs. Free Consultations

Marco has transitioned to a paid consultation model, charging $300 for an initial consultation. This approach has significantly reduced the number of tire kickers and low-income clients, allowing his intake team to focus on serious clients who are more likely to convert.

Actionable Advice

  • Implement Paid Consultations: Charge a fee for initial consultations to filter out non-serious inquiries.
  • Communicate Value: Clearly articulate the value of your consultation to justify the fee.

Efficient Lead Handling

Marco prefers phone calls as the primary method of communication, aiming to connect with leads in real-time and respond to inquiries within a minute. His intake team is trained to handle calls professionally, ensuring prompt follow-up.

Actionable Advice

  • Prioritize Real-Time Communication: Aim to respond to inquiries as quickly as possible to increase conversion rates.
  • Train Your Intake Team: Ensure your team is well-trained to handle calls professionally and follow a structured script.

Structuring the Intake Team

Sales and Customer Service Experience

Marco seeks individuals with sales and customer service experience for his intake team. These team members are not just secretaries; they are trained sales professionals who can drive consultations.

Compensation Structure

The intake team operates on a base salary plus commission model, incentivizing them to bring in high-quality consultations. A grading system evaluates the quality of leads, ensuring the team is rewarded for quality rather than quantity.

Actionable Advice

  • Hire the Right People: Look for candidates with sales and customer service experience for your intake team.
  • Implement a Commission Model: Use a base salary plus commission structure to incentivize high performance.
  • Evaluate Lead Quality: Develop a grading system to assess the quality of leads and reward your team accordingly.

The Importance of a Structured Intake Script

Consistency and Training

Marco stresses the importance of sticking to a meticulously crafted intake script. Training staff to follow the script consistently can lead to better closing rates and more predictable outcomes.

Actionable Advice

  • Develop a Detailed Script: Create a comprehensive intake script that covers all essential information.
  • Train Your Team Daily: Regularly train your team to ensure they follow the script consistently.
  • Maintain Accountability: Foster a culture of accountability where team members are expected to adhere to the established process.

Empathy and Client Engagement

Building Trust and Rapport

The intake team engages callers by eliciting their stories, which helps build trust and rapport. Successful phone calls typically last between five to seven minutes, during which the team gathers essential information about the caller’s situation.

Actionable Advice

  • Show Empathy: Train your intake team to be empathetic and understanding, as potential clients are often going through difficult times.
  • Engage with Clients: Encourage your team to build rapport by actively listening to clients’ stories and concerns.

divorce law firm intake template divorce law firm intake template

Transparent Pricing and Commitment

Presenting the Consultation Fee

Marco’s intake team presents the $300 consultation fee upfront, overcoming objections by communicating the value of the services offered. They aim to secure payment for the consultation while still on the call, ensuring clients have “skin in the game.”

Actionable Advice

  • Be Transparent with Pricing: Clearly communicate your consultation fee and the value it provides.
  • Secure Commitment: Aim to secure payment for the consultation during the initial call to prevent potential clients from shopping around.

Final Notes

Marco Brown’s approach to lead generation, marketing, and intake processes offers valuable lessons for law firms looking to improve their operations and attract more clients. By focusing on specialization, leveraging SEO and referrals, optimizing the intake process, and maintaining a structured and empathetic approach, law firms can enhance their client acquisition strategies and achieve sustained growth.

For more insights and to connect with Marco Brown, follow him on LinkedIn, where he shares valuable content and updates about his journey in the legal industry.

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